GCI Academic Policy


Academic policies and procedures are developed to allow students to clearly understand their rights and responsibilities. They protect the integrity of GCI and provide fair and transparent guidelines for activities related to teaching and learning across campus.

GCI students are expected to familiarize themselves with all academic policies. Students seeking clarity on academic policies relevant to or beyond those stated on this website should consult with the appropriate office.

GCI-strongly values the principles of academic honesty. Maintaining academic honesty includes:

  • Creating and expressing your own ideas and work.
  • Properly citing and referencing other people’s ideas and work, giving appropriate credit.
  • Seeking appropriate, approved assistance from outside sources or persons (e.g. tutors).
  • Performing with honesty during examinations, avoiding collusion, collaboration and/or the use of unauthorized resources.

The objectives of the admissions policies and processes are to:

  •  Continually improve the quality and responsiveness of our admissions process
  •  Ensure fairness and equitable access to our programs
  •  Streamline the admissions process with more responsive and customer-oriented services
  • Empower applicants by allowing them to manage their applications online, thereby reducing staff time    

Admission to Global Career Institute is based on several factors, none of which is the sole determinant of eligibility. Specific forms and information will be required of all applicants. There will be a standardized admissions process for all programs based on formal admissions requirements. Developmental coursework may be required of some applicants, particularly in the areas of English and Mathematics.

Students, whose attendance does not meet GCI minimum criteria, will not be examined until the said criterion is met. Falsification of information or failure to furnish correct information will result in the denial of admission or immediate expulsion.



Registration Fees are Non-Refundable.
The institution has a No Refund Policy on students who utilize the payment agreement plan.



Withdrawal Procedures:
A Student may verbally withdraw from any course registered for, followed by a written request using the GCI Student withdrawal form.

If a student enrols and decides on their own merit they wish to discontinue, due to their personal reasons, ranging from work schedule issues, travel issues etc…we at GCI understand and respect your decision, however, there will be no refund once the payment plan has been utilized.
If for any reason GCI does not commit to the course schedule, and the course is no longer being offered, whereas a student made any payments, a full refund will be issued. If the course is rescheduled due to the course scheduling arrangements, once the reschedule does not pass 30 days, there will be no refund on any down payment. Please note your non-refundable registration payment would not be refunded.

Don’t hesitate to ask when you have a question, feel free to call or email the helpdesk, or send an email to [email protected] 

Equal Opportunity Policy

Global Career Institute is committed to affording all citizens of Trinidad and Tobago and by extension the region, every opportunity to acquire the skills, knowledge, and attitude that enables them to contribute to society. GCI is quality and standards focused, student-cantered, and customer friendly. The Institute aims to satisfy the needs of its public, both internal and external and to practice sensitivity and responsiveness to the peculiar needs and circumstances of its clients. As a result, we do not discriminate against candidates in the areas of age, race, gender, ethnicity, or physical ability in its registration, training, assessment, and awarding processes.


At GCI, our approach to imparting knowledge is learner centred. Hence, candidates are expected to participate fully in their assessment. As a result, candidates are afforded the opportunity to query any assessment decision they deem incorrect, inaccurate, unsatisfactory, or unfair.


Candidates who wish to query assessment decisions/results must:

  1. Complete and submit the Candidate Appeal Form to the administrative assistant who will submit to the Academic Affairs Director.
  2.  The Academic Affairs director will review the appeal, review the examination results, then interview both the candidate and the instructor, then come to a decision. If a dispute cannot be settled, move to step 3.
  3. A report on the outcome of the exercise at Step 2 is submitted to the Appeals Committee constructed by the Board of Directors to hear the dispute, and then make a final decision on the appeal.       
  4. Global Career institute is committed to ensuring that all candidate appeals are adequately addressed.               


 General Principles

The General Principles set out the standard of behaviour which is required and cover a wide range of situations.

 Examples of Breaches of General Principles

Without limiting the application of the general principles, the following are specific categories of non-tolerated behaviours.

Sexual Harassment

“Sexual harassment” has the meaning given to it in Section 62 of the Human Rights Act 1993, which defines sexual harassment as:

“ (i) the making of a request of any other person for sexual intercourse, sexual contact, or other form of sexual activity which contains an implied or overt promise of preferential treatment or an implied or overt threat of detrimental treatment; or

(ii) using language (whether written or spoken) of a sexual nature, or of visual material of a sexual nature, or by physical behaviour of a sexual nature, to subject any other person to behaviour that:

  • is unwelcome or offensive to that person (whether or not that is conveyed to the person complained about); and
  • is either repeated, or of such a significant nature, that it has a detrimental effect on that person.”

Nothing in this section shall apply to the use or presentation of language or materials, which is reasonably required for bona fide educational purposes.

Racial Harassment

“Racial harassment” is defined as racial harassment as the use of language (whether written or spoken), or visual material, or physical behaviour that:

  1. “expresses hostility against, or brings into contempt or ridicule, any other person on the ground of the colour, race, or ethnic or national origins of that person; and
  2. is harmful or offensive to that other person (whether or not that is conveyed to the person complained about); and
  3. is either repeated, or of such a significant nature, that it has a detrimental effect on that other person.”

Nothing in this section shall apply to the use or presentation of language or materials, which is reasonably required for bona fide educational purposes.


“Discrimination” means conduct which:

  1. results or is likely to result in less favourable treatment or creates or is likely to create a less favourable environment, for any person or group of people than for another person or group of people in the same or similar circumstances by reason of any of the prohibited grounds set out below.

The prohibited grounds of discrimination are:

o sex, including pregnancy and childbirth.

o marital status.

o religious belief.

o ethical belief.

o race.

o ethnic or national origins, which includes nationality and citizenship.

o disability.

o age.

o political opinion.

o employment status.

o family status.

o sexual orientation and gender identity.

Discrimination may arise from official statements, actions, omissions, decisions or policies as well as from informal or personal statements or conduct. It may also be indirect, that is, have the effect of treating someone differently even if the discrimination is not explicit.


Personal Harassment and Bullying

“Personal harassment” means any objectionable or offensive behaviour (expressed or implied) by a member of the Institute community in relation to another member of the Institute which:

  1. intimidates, humiliates, undermines or dominates that other person; or
  2. involves the use of abusive and/or threatening language, verbal or physical threats or any form of physical assault.

Personal harassment may occur because of a significant one-time incident or as a result of more minor incidents occurring over a period of time. Bullying is a form of personal harassment which is especially characterised by persistent and offensive, abusive, intimidating, malicious or insulting behaviour (expressed or implied) which makes the recipient(s) feel upset, threatened, humiliated or vulnerable, undermines their self-confidence and/or causes them to suffer stress. It may include emotional abuse, isolation, economic abuse, abuse of authority, denying and blaming, coercion and threats that create a risk to an individual’s health and safety. This is grounds for immediate dismissal from the program.

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